Liquid Waterproof Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor – Gravity DFRobot 9MWPCAPSOILMS R321.00 This Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor is the latest optimised waterproof design from the Gravity series to help keep your garden well-watered and healthy. Add to cart
-25% Liquid Three-Way Meter Soil Sensor – Moisture, Light, PH Tester DIYElectronics 9MSOILMOISTLIGHT R89.25 R119.00 Time left This Three-Way Meter Soil Sensor easily spikes into your flower bed or vegetable garden and measures the moisture, light and PH levels of you soil. Add to cart
Last items in stock Liquid Analog Conductivity Soil Moisture Sensor - Gravity Series DFRobot 9SSOILMOIST R60.00 This simple but efficient Analog Soil Moisture Sensor uses basic conductivity to help keep plants and other projects healthy and well maintained. Add to cart
Liquid Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V1.0 DFRobot 9SENDFSOILMOISTC R123.00 This Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor is perfect for monitoring moisture levels for gardening, farming or just “Garden Variety” experimentation. Add to cart
-25% Last items in stock Liquid Analog pH Sensor Kit with Spear Tip Probe DFRobot 9SENPHPROSPEAR R1,613.25 R2,151.00 Time left This unique Spear-tipped Analog pH Sensor Probe Kit is designed to measure soil, as well as other soft & semisolid samples, including fruit & meat! Add to cart