-25% Last items in stock RF Modules XBee S2C ZigBee RF Module with Wire Antenna DFRobot 9MDFXBEES2CW R722.25 R963.00 Time left The XBee S2C ZigBee Module is an XBee module that has been loaded with ZigBee firmware, to create robust, interoperable mesh networks. Add to cart
-25% Last items in stock Shields ARPI600 Adapter Board for Raspberry Pi & Arduino Waveshare 9RASPBADAPTB R557.25 R743.00 Time left The ARPI600 Adapter Board is a way for the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface to adapt to Arduino pinouts, making it possible to use the Pi together with vast Arduino shields and hardware/software resources. What's more, the ARPI600 also supports XBee modules, making it easy to add wireless feature to your great project. Add to cart
Last items in stock DFRobot ESP8266 WiFi Bee for Arduino DFRobot 9MDFESP8266BEE R130.00 The ESP8266 WiFi Bee from DFRobot is designed for Arduino, and makes ad hoc networking easy via low-power, low data wireless communications. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Shields XBee Shield for Arduino DFRobot 9MDFXBEESHD R165.00 This fantastic little XBee Shield is perfect for connecting your Arduino projects to XBee, to control swarms of busy electronics from a central hive. View