In the careful mixing of 3D Resin, clever manufacturers like Monocure have designed special blends that meet the needs of professional and daring hobbyists. Specialised Resins are fine-tuned blends, made with an intended use in mind. Since their purpose is so specific, these resins offer unique and amazing features that make your life so much easier. Where normally some of these features may make no sense for everyday prints, specialised resins shine best when used for their uniquely special purposes.
In this category, we’ve picked awesome Specialised Monocure Resins for you to use in your small business or advanced Making projects. We stock a range of special 3D Resins, like Monocure’s Porcelene Dental, Glow in the Dark, Deep Black Pro and Crystal Clear. These resins are superior in their unique strengths for producing highly functional or beautiful glowing resin models.